Spirit of Truth Digital Edition | Sophia Institute for
Grade 1 Digital App: God is Love Grade 1 Digital App: God is Love Students begin to develop an awareness of God as our Father in Heaven, the creator of Heaven and earth, who is all good, who created them in His image and likeness, and who loves them unconditionally.
- Basic parts of the Mass.
- The reality of sin in connection with the Sacrament of Confession.
- The lives of saints and the basics of prayer as a conversation with God.Grade 2 Digital App: Our Life in Jesus Grade 2 Digital App: Our Life in Jesus Students focus on how much children are loved by Jesus Christ, and how His death and Resurrection has opened the way to Heaven.
- The parts of the Mass.
- Lives and lessons of the saints.
- More ways to pray.
- A special focus on the Sacraments of Confession and Eucharist.Grade 3 Digital App: The Kingdom of God and the Church Grade 3 Digital App: The Kingdom of God and the Church Students learn about the Catholic Church, the Holy Spirit and how He guides Her, and how Jesus continues His mission through Her.
- Basics of the Trinity and all seven Sacraments.
- Prayer and living as children of God.
- Jesus’ Parables of the Kingdom, and Mary as the Mother of the Church.
- Includes a supplement on Confirmation for restored order dioceses.Grade 4 Digital App: Jesus Teaches Us How to Live Grade 4 Digital App: Jesus Teaches Us How to Live Students focus on the moral life.
- What it means to be created in the image and likeness of God, and how we should respond to His grace so we can spend eternity with Him in Heaven.
- Conscience formation, the Ten Commandments, the Beatitudes, the Golden Rule, and the Great Commandment.
- The reality of sin and the necessity of virtue.Grade 5 Digital App: The Sacraments Grade 5 Digital App: The Sacraments Students will explore in-depth the gift of God’s grace in the Sacraments.
- Sacraments: what they are and why Jesus instituted them; form, matter, history, celebration, and effects of each Sacrament.
- The meaning of God as the source of life
- The Holy Mass and Holy Days of Obligation.
- Longer biographies of the saints, especially young saints.Grade 6 Digital App: Sacred Scripture Grade 6 Digital App: Sacred Scripture Students spend this year immersed in God’s Word in Sacred Scripture, and explore how the Bible, written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, records God’s plan of salvation.
- Basics of how to use the Bible and Magisterial authority.
- How and why we should pray with Scripture.
- How the Bible is different from other books.
- The four senses of Scripture.Grade 7 Digital App: Living as a Disciple of Christ Grade 7 Digital App: Living as a Disciple of Christ Middle-school students explore Jesus and the Gospel message, with an emphasis on unifying themes in Scripture and an in-depth examination of the four Gospels.
- Personal growth: the origin, dignity, and destiny of the human person.
- An exploration of each Sacrament.
- Prayer: its elements, qualities, and challenges; ways of praying; Mary and the saints as models of prayer.Grade 8 Digital App: The Communion of the Faithful Grade 8 Digital App: The Communion of the Faithful
DA: 30 PA: 28 MOZ Rank: 73